Friday, 15 March 2013

Eco Tourism Mangrove Block Bedul Spectacular

Travel TOUR Mangrove Ecosystems Block Bedul is a commitment and cooperation between the Government and Rural Sumberasri Alas Purwo National Park Authority (TNAP) in an effort to restore, protect and develop forests intact following all the existing biota.Block Bedul mangrove saplings were ditepian Segoro along approximately 16 km of mangrove forest area approximately 2,300 hectares located in the National Park Alas Purwo and Perhutani Region. The type of mangrove Bedul block contained a total of 27 species.

Animals found in this region are apes, lizards, eagles (Javanese eagles and sea eagles), sea squab, bird blibis, cranes, migrant birds from the continent australia, Ancel earth, king fisher, kecuk, pup?? eaters, and some species that have not been identified. In addition, in

Tourism development goal is to enrich the mangrove forest resources in mangrove regions of Block Bedul, to secure the region from destruction by both human and natural factors. to replant the area in need of rehabilitation in TNAP. This activity also aims to improve the welfare of people around the area.What can you find in the tourist area of ​​mangrove Bedul block?

  1. You can follow immediately chicks using traditional boat (gondang-wheat). while enjoying an intact mangrove forests and natural, seeing a variety of birds, lizards, monkeys and community activities looking for shells, fishing and catch fish

2. You can also take a boat to the post Bedul resort, then enjoy a meal with friends under the shade tree at the end marengan enjoying panoramic sea shore south.

3. You also may engage in fishing on the boat with colleagues at the premier day and night.Existing facilities get in the Mangrove tour manager Block Bedul:

  1. Interpreter Mangrove manager provides guide services that have been trained specifically mangrove

Gondang traditional boat-wheat. to observe and enjoy the natural beauty of the mangrove areas.
3. Home Stay. if tourists want to enjoy this area a couple of days we provide lodging houses around the mangrove forests that have been designated.Mangrove Block Bedul attractions:

1. One attraction is the sunset Mangrove Bedul block. atmosphere of the sunset can be enjoyed from the top of the right size of the traditional boat and left edges covered with various types of mangroves.

2. "Mudskeper" or blodok fish are often found in blocks Bedul

3. Lunch with mangrove forest atmosphere we can do on the block that is not necessarily your Bedul jumapi elsewhere. With a diet that is packed with banana and teak leaves is one of the attractions of the way down the beautiful mangrove forest.

4. In addition we can also hicking in tropical rain forests bordering the mangrove forest, you can enjoy the cool air and seeing wildlife like peacocks, deer, wild boar and many more

5. No less interesting at the end of a trip down the rain forest we could see the turtle hatchery owned Alas Purwo National Park on the edge of the ocean Indonesia.

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